Category Archives: Art

Sleeping at Last – Album Art

I think Sleep at Last has BEAUTIFUL album art so I really wanted to do a post about it. I started typing one up, and then I realized that I don’t need to say anything. The images speak for themselves. So I’m going to stop talking now and I’ll just let you enjoy this beauty.

SaL 2

SaL 3

SaL 6

SaL 4

SaL 5

Find more of the art here. Which I really recommend doing by the way…

Bombay Bicycle Club – Album Art

I always find album cover art really interesting, so I thought I’d share some! Bombay Bicycle Club has some pretty interesting covers.

Image from
Image from
Image from


What do you think of it?

♫ Sara ♫


I’m so excited to start this blog! Check the about page HERE to understand who I am and what it’s about and the artist index  HERE to find all the wonderful indie bands and artists we discuss all in one spot.

So, so far, my plan is to pick a band to highlight each week, then post once every weekday about that band using the following schedule:

Monday- A song and biography
Tuesday- Varies
Wednesday- Songs with lyrics, meanings, and things to love
Thursday- Varies
Friday- Similar artists and other related links

music birdWe will try that for a while and see how it works, but I think it will go well!  If you have any suggestions or bands you would like to see featured, I’d love to hear them from you in the comments!

Here’s to hoping this will go well so that we may share our love of indie music together.

♫ Sara ♫