Tag Archives: Gabrielle Aplin

Birdy – Song Sampling and Conclusion

Well we already went over covers, so today I’m going to focus on original songs written or co-written by Birdy.


I love the video for this one! Here is what Birdy had to say about it: “The song is about having a wonderful time and the memory of being with your friends and kind of wishing you were back there, so I wanted it to feel like a festival, and then the director had the idea of putting everyone in carnival clothes to make it a bit weirder and more interesting. We had a brilliant time making it, everyone just looked so amazing. My little sister Caitlin and two of my cousins are the ones riding the horses, and in the shots of me on the swing I am with my best friend Becky.”

“Words as Weapons”

This song is one of my favorites. It was co-written by Birdy and Ryan Tedder of OneRepublic. Concerning the song, Birdy said “[It] is one of my favourite tracks on the album and I love performing it live. I love the way the track is layered with harmonies which creates a wall of sound. I’m hugely proud of the song.” When asked about the song’s music video, Birdy explained that “It’s obviously not the true story of the song, but I really wanted a story line. So I’m meant to be a ghost in it. An evil ghost and I’m haunting my ex-boyfriend, who isn’t very nice.”

There are so many songs by her that I want to share, but I’ll let you look her up if you are interested (which should be all of you…) Haha

If you want to find more artists like Birdy try:
♪ Gabrielle Aplin
♪ Angus & Julia Stone
♪ Christina Perri
♪ Lorde

Also, you can find her Facebook page here and her website here for Birdy updates.

♫ Sara ♫