Tag Archives: Sleeping at Last

Sleeping at Last – Conclusion

Sadly, this week has come to a close and so has our focus on Sleeping at Last.

Luckily, you can still keep up with him! He has an Instagram (@sleepingatlast), a website, and a Facebook page with tons of updates.

If you want to listen to more like him, try these similar artists:
♪ Radical Face
♪ Future of Forestry
♪ Peter Bradley Adams

On another note… I am excited to tell you all that Breann will be taking care of the blog for me next week, as I will be at a summer camp and won’t have much time for blogging. I can’t wait to see what she comes up with!

Please be good for her ; )

♫ Sara ♫

Sleeping at Last – Free Yearbook

Yeah, you read that right. Until July 14th, Ryan O’Neal has decided to give downloads of his entire Yearbook collection for FREE on Noisetrade.

In explanation for his decision to give away his music, Sleeping at Last said it was to raise awareness for an organization called Preemptive Love Coalition. On his blog, he told readers that “It brings me great joy to help shed light on the beautiful and hopeful work Preemptive Love Coalition are doing, by partnering together for this campaign. It would mean so much to me if you would consider giving your support to them by downloading “Yearbook” and using the “tip” feature on NoiseTrade to give whatever you can.” Read his full blog post and learn more about Preemptive Love Coalition here.

He is so generous to his listeners and to those in need. Please consider giving a tip when downloading his wonderful EP collection.

Okay, enough sappy stuff, here is the link for the download:

Thanks for reading!

♫ Sara ♫

Sleeping at Last – Album Art

I think Sleep at Last has BEAUTIFUL album art so I really wanted to do a post about it. I started typing one up, and then I realized that I don’t need to say anything. The images speak for themselves. So I’m going to stop talking now and I’ll just let you enjoy this beauty.

SaL 2

SaL 3

SaL 6

SaL 4

SaL 5

Find more of the art here. Which I really recommend doing by the way…

Sleeping at Last – Introduction

I think it’s about time I talk about an American artist on here! Ha! I figured Sleeping at Last would be a good one to kick things off.

Okay… I can’t tell you how much I love Sleeping at Last. Whenever I’m stressed or just need to find some clarity, I turn on his music and I am instantly at peace. His powerful lyrics and soothing melodies are some of the finest I’ve heard.

SaL 1

Onto the biography… The band formed in Illinois in 1999 and originally consisted of Ryan O’Neal, his brother Chad O’Neal, and Dan Perdue. However, both Chad and Dan decided to pursue other interests eventually, leaving in 2008 and 2011, respectively. Ryan, however, is still dedicated to the project.

In 2010 and 2011, the band decided to release an EP with three songs at the beginning of each month. The end result is a box set with all 12 EPs called Yearbook. I personally love their yearbook project and the fact that they weren’t afraid to challenge themselves. As a musician myself, I know that writing songs isn’t always easy, and doing it on a deadline can be even more challenging. I think their result, though, is amazing.

In 2013, Ryan began another series of EPs, his Atlas project, with each representing a part of our universe, including space, land, oceans, etc. I have loved them so far and can’t wait to hear what else he has in store.

♫ Sara ♫